The Wonder of Wonder

What is your overriding emotion? Mine has always been fear. Since I’ve known Him, God has invited me to walk farther and farther out on the ragged edge of faith and trust Him. Whether He leads me into challenging ministry situations or close encounters of the bitey kinds in remote oceans and jungles, He keeps stretching me by wooing me into various adventures. Throughout my life, God keeps renaming me from “Much-Afraid” (from Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard) to “Goodtime Linda” (the title given me by 18-month old Jake).


2024 was a rough year of hospitals, surgeries, needles, IVs, meds, torturous treatments, unrelenting pain, and lots of tears. But I ended the year in my beloved ocean, which was a joy and blessing beyond words. I do my best praying underwater, so Jesus and I had a lot of time to talk.


As 2025 begins, God keeps whispering, “Say yes".


I come from a family that almost never left the borders of Indiana. If I ever had any disposable income, I didn't want a big house, fancy car, expensive toys, or any bling. I wanted to travel. I still don’t have a lot of disposable income, but I have had miraculous opportunities to go places, see things, meet people, and otherwise experience some wonderful invitations from God as He flings me around the country and around the planet. He sets up a lot of unexpected, deeply spiritual, as well as totally hilarious divine appointments along the way. He leads me into His creation with wonder as I strive to be attentive.


Wonder: “rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience”.


"Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder!

Because I am doing something in your days--You would not believe if you were told.”

(Habakkuk 1:5)


  • It’s not just a pretty bird.


"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns,

and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”

(Matthew 6:26)


  • It’s not just a beautiful flower.


“Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin,  yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 

But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!”

(Matthew 6:28-30)


  • It’s not just a glorious sunset.


“The heavens are telling of the glory of God;

And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.

Day to day pours forth speech,

And night to night reveals knowledge.

(Psalm 19:1-2)


  • It’s not just a majestic mountain.


“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;

From where shall my help come?

My help comes from the LORD,

Who made heaven and earth.”

(Psalm 121:1-2)


  • It’s not just a full moon.


“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,

The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;

What is man that You take thought of him,

And the son of man that You care for him?”

(Psalm 8:3-4)


If we will open our eyes and pay attention, we are surrounded by wonders. Things that stop us in our tracks. Everything keeps directing us to God. The natural revelation keeps pointing to the specific revelation of Jesus.


“For since the creation of the world

His invisible attributes,

His eternal power and

divine nature,

have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made…”

(Romans 1:20)


God is tapping us on the shoulder, saying, “Hey you! Yeah you! Let’s chat.” When I become attentive, I have a deeper understanding of God's love for us. My life and worries fall into perspective when I see how big God is. What I see and experience reminds me of Biblical passages that challenge, encourage, or make me laugh. This is what led me to start creating Scripture Pictures which help me meditate on the Word. Samples:


You don't have to go to the other side of the planet or spend a dime to develop the spiritual practice of attentiveness. Travel is not everybody's cup of tea, it is increasingly difficult, and it is not possible for many. During lockdown on gray days, I would drive around in my car with my camera in what I called, “A Field Trip in Search of Beauty”. I came back with photos of daffodils, sunrises, animals, and people. We all have different windows of the soul, and we need color, music, art, film, sports, dance, nature, play, laughter, conversation, and connection with all God has made and sparked in us.


I believe God has called me to minister through teaching, discipleship, writing, counseling, consulting, and speaking, but also though travel, photography, stories, and divine encounters. As of now, this year I plan to be in England, Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, and multiple states around the US. There are a few other destinations in the air, and one never knows what God might have up His big sleeve. And God only knows if I may have to cancel or reschedule, like I did in 2020. And 2021. And 2024. So, I hold plans with open hands, saying, “Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise…”


“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.’ Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.’" (James 4:13-15)


Sometimes I travel with friends, sometimes I meet up with friends, sometimes I make new friends along the way. Sometimes the trip is a prayer pilgrimage alone with Jesus, extended time in blessed silence and solitude with the One I love. I journal as God speaks through His Word, books, podcasts, music, people, animals, or His Spirit. Sometimes it's a quiet whisper. Sometimes it's like trying to take a drink of water out of a fire hydrant as the Lord is pouring cool water into my soul. Sometimes He loves on me with friends who have fur, fins, flippers, feathers, and even fangs. I know not to approach wildlife, but apparently wildlife doesn't know not to approach me. I am the Animal Whisperer. And as we know, sometimes I have a camera in my hand…


May we never cease to learn from the wonders of God.


With His love and mine,



Come along with me in 2025.

My friend Mary Beth jokes that she’s never owned a passport but has traveled around the world. Much cheaper and easier to go with me. Mary Beth remembers more of my travel stories than I do! If you want to come along (vicariously) on some of my travels with God, reply to this e-mail with “Prayer Pilgrimage” and I will add you to my suitcase when I leave town. (Be sure to specifically write “Prayer Pilgrimage” or you will not make it into my carry-on.)


Psalm One Bible Study

Join us as we begin our 25th year (!!!) of studying the Word together. We will be starting a new series in 2 Peter beginning tonight. (But you can pop in anytime!) Link arms with a fun and encouraging family of men and women who all desire to walk with God with our head, heart, and hands all following hard after God. Tuesdays at 7:30pm Eastern Time (or whenever that is in your area). To stay in the loop with links and resources:


Sisterhood of the Fishbowl Soul Care Retreats:

A fun, relaxing, refilling weekend away just for ministry wives that is all about feeding your soul, nurturing your walk with Jesus, and building authentic friendships with people who get it. Who truly understand. Free and open weekends do not suddenly appear. If you don't prioritize your soul care, no one else will. We think we can't afford to take the time to restore our souls and find life giving friendships, but in reality we can't afford not to! Space is limited. Register NOW to join us! For more info and to register:


o   January 24-26 Cincinnati, Ohio: I still have space for the Cincinnati retreat if you contact me as soon as possible!

o   February 28-March 2 Green Lake, Wisconsin:  The Early Bird Rate for Green Lake ends February 7.


“My cup was empty---bone dry--when I left for the weekend, upon my return home---my cup runneth over! God and I walked together, sat together, and he spoke clearly to me. God told me to ‘ask him.’ and I did just that! Linda, I cannot express how much these weekends mean. Thank you for all that you do for us pastors' wives. Life gets so busy and we are so busy pouring out to others, that time to receive and refill becomes such a tremendous blessing. I now understand that I must take more time, somehow, somewhere, just to sit at my Father's feet so that I can receive from Him and clearly hear His voice. Thank you for giving me the time to learn this important lesson. What you do Linda, could not be more necessary. Thank you so much!”


Refocus and Refuel Retreat :

Pull away from the noise and the busyness to let the dust settle. To rest. To reboot. To refocus and refuel. This is a 48 hour getaway in Cincinnati, Ohio for men and women. Your own ensuite room in a beautiful and quiet location. Materials provided. Spiritual direction available. Do not be intimidated if you have never done anything like this before. We love these retreats and we would love to have you come along. Jesus meets us right where we are gently leads us to where we need to be. We already have men and women signing up for March 14-16. For more info or to register:


Sisterhood of the Fishbowl Oasis

For pastors’ wives. A weekly gathering to let your hair down and be encouraged by others who understand the wonderful, weird, and wacky world of ministry. Genuine friendships with some of the most wonderful people I know. Thursday at 7:30pm Eastern Time (or whenever that is in your area). To stay in the loop with links and resources:

The Hopes and Fears of All the Years…

My first half of 2024 was really rough. Unrelenting pain, multiple specialists, complicated surgeries, and torturous medical treatments that usually didn’t work. The second half of 2024 has been a really good season in my own life, but so many heartbreaking health issues, family crises, struggles, and losses for precious friends.


Yet all year long, there has been an inexplicable, indescribable, unshakeable, underground stream of joy running through my life even as I weep for my friends or cry out in my own pain. Sometimes my eyes leak so my heart won't explode, whether they are tears of pain or joy.


I often say the two greatest gifts I inherited from my mother are the ability to laugh and the ability to cry. My grandfather and my mother were two of the funniest, but also two of the wisest people I’ve ever known. Can joy and sorrow coexist? Have you ever experienced unexpected laughter during some of the darkest times of your life?


“If all that you see is comedy, you're in denial. If all that you see is tragedy, then you're in despair. But if you see them both, you will learn how to both laugh and cry, and sometimes do both at the same time. You will see that the darkness around you and sometimes within you is real, but you will also see that it is not ultimate.” (Russell Moore)


As my wise friend Patti says, “I have to visit despair, but I refuse to live there.”


It's the most wonderful time of the year. Maybe.


Some of you are Buddy the Elf, and everything about Christmas brings you fun and excitement. You revel in the Four Main Food Groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.   


Some of you are struggling because Christmas puts a big spotlight on things that may not seem like a Norman Rockwell painting. It may feel a little more like “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.” For some of us the holidays are a very mixed bag. Life doesn't automatically become a Hallmark movie just because the holidays are here.


Some of you have even been celebrating “Festivus for the Rest of Us”, joining Frank Costanza from Seinfeld by battling though election season with "feats of strength" and "airing of grievances". You are ready to disprove people on social media with your links and conspiracy theories. You are ticked off at everyone and everything.


Every day I meet with people who are fearful, confused, celebrating, suffering, excited, angry, grieving, hopeful, and all over the board in their thoughts and emotions. Often in the same person. Often in the same day. That's not weird. That's human.


I'm so grateful for a God who encourages us to rejoice, mourn, weep, laugh, feast, be comforted, grieve, trust, and come alongside one another no matter where life finds us. He has not called us to be Stepford Wives or happy little cookie cutter robots. He has not called us to live by cross-stitched pillows, cheery bumper stickers, or pat black-and-white answers.


The Lord understands. He made us this way. He put relief valves in our lives to let the pressure off when we're about to explode or implode. It takes a robust theology to hold joy and sorrow together in dialectical tension. As we read through Scripture, we find a God who is the ultimate realist. He doesn't minimize or deny our pain, yet he invites us to embrace joy and celebration even in lament.


My old pastor used to say: At first the Christian life seems to be all joy. Then we enter a season that seems to be all pain. Eventually we learn to experience joy even in the midst of pain.


Strength and dignity are her clothing,

And she smiles at the future.

She opens her mouth in wisdom,

And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31:25-26


I can only smile (the word means rejoice, laugh, and even play) at the future if I am resting in the certainty that Someone who is eternal, loving, powerful, and full of grace is holding me. Wisdom and kindness will only come from my mouth if I am drawing on Him instead of myself.


And that’s where Christmas breaks into our complicated and conflicted world. Jesus arrives in all His fulness to meet us where we are and take us where we need to be.


“Yet in thy dark streets shineth

The everlasting light

The hopes and fears of all the years

Are met in thee tonight.” (Phillips Brooks)


With God’s love and mine,



Upcoming Psalm One Gatherings. This life stuff is complicated. Don't try to do this on your own, kiddos!:


  • New Psalm One Bible Study:

Beginning January 7, we will begin a study in 2 Peter. This is for men and women, single and married, any age, from anywhere. We meet online on Tuesdays nights at 7:30pm Eastern Time (or whatever time that is in your world). You are welcome whether you show up every week, or every once in a while. Locals will be gathering in person for dinner and fellowship every month or two. Sign up to stay in the loop for resources and links:


  • The Psalm One Sisterhood of the Fishbowl Soul Care Retreat: 

A fun, relaxing, refilling weekend away that is all about feeding your soul, nurturing your walk with Jesus, and building authentic friendships with people who get it. Who truly understand. Free and open weekends do not suddenly appear. If you don't prioritize your soul care, no one else will. We think we can't afford to take the time to restore our souls and find life giving friendships, but in reality we can't afford not to! Space is limited and the early bird rate ends three weeks before each retreat. Register NOW to join us! For more info and to register:    

     Help us spread the word!

     Invite all the pastors’ wives you know!

     Gift the retreat for your pastor's wife!


  • January 24-26 Cincinnati, Ohio

  • February 28-March 2 Green Lake, Wisconsin


“I know that my spiritual life, emotional life, thought life and married life have been profoundly and positively affected by these times away with a small, intimate group of other pastors' wives. It annually provides me with the time I need that I just wouldn’t or couldn’t take on my own to assess where I am at and what specifically God is up to in my life and my family’s life and in my church. It encourages me to keep moving forward, to keep clinging to Jesus, to remember that I am never alone because God is always with me and also because there are other beautiful women who have so many of my own shared experiences. I also keep coming back because I learn so much from ALL the women who come and are willing to share and bare their hearts. There is a wealth of wisdom and experience and genuine love for Jesus in these groups. It is invaluable. PS--I would also like to add that I keep coming back also because it’s just plain FUN!”


  • Refocus and Refuel Retreat:

Pull away from the noise and the busyness for a semi-silent getaway to rest, revel, relax, recollect, reconsider, revive, return, recommit, remember, receive, recover and rejoice. Your own ensuite room. Wonderful food. Beautiful surroundings. For men and women, lay and clergy, anyone desiring a deeper walk with Jesus. “I have stilled and quieted my soul” (Psalm 131:2) For more information and to register for this Cincinnati event:

    • March 14-16

    • September 26-28

    • November 14-16


  • Sisterhood of the Fishbowl Pastors’ Wives Oasis:

Thursdays at 7:30pm ET. Join us for laughter, sharing, mutual support, prayer, time in the Word, and genuine friendship with others who understand the wonderful, weird, and wooly life in the ministry. Sign up at to stay in the loop with resources and links.

Checking our Tanks

My dad had an unusual specialty: running out of gas. It was almost a game to see how long he could wait before filling up. This was decades before cars had fancy gauges to tell you how many miles you had left until the gas tank was completely dry. I can’t tell you how many times we were stopped on the side of the road with my dad saying, “You don't need to tell your mother about this.” The most frustrated I ever saw my mom was when she was sitting in a kaput car on the Ohio Turnpike in the middle of the night with three little tired and hungry girls in the back seat.


My grandfather had a different philosophy: “Take care of the first half of the tank, and the second half will take care of itself.” In other words, be sure you always have some reserves. Running the tank down to the last drop of petrol damages the car.


Some of us like to see how long we can run our engine before we have nothing left except fumes. It can actually be a source of pride to burn the candle at both ends. We feel like we have accomplished something special if we can push through on our own strength. Or we may feel like we can't afford to take the time to completely refuel our tank. Or we may think it's selfish to rest. Or we may have no idea how to fill our tank, so we stumble along on a dribble of energy.


One of my favorite artists is Jackson Browne, and one of his most famous songs is “Running on Empty”. As life keeps speeding up and cluttering up, we often hear the words “too busy”, “tired”, “exhausted”, “weary”, “drained” as we describe our lives. I think of Jackson’s lyrics:


Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels.

I don't know how to tell you all just how crazy this life feels.

Look around for the friends that I used to turn to to pull me through,

Looking into their eyes, I see them running too.

Running on empty


We have to learn to check the gauges in our lives before our tanks drop to dangerous levels.


  • The first gauge we usually check is the physical. Am I eating right? Am I getting exercise? Am I getting enough sleep? When was my last check up? Is this straight diet of pizza and ice cream working for me?


  • Some of us check the spiritual. Am I spending time in the Word? How's my prayer life? Do I have genuine fellowship? Am I worshipping God in my life and community? Am I being fed spiritually? Am I giving out to others? Do I really have to put up with other Christians?


Check. Check. Looks like I'm fine. Full speed ahead. So how did I wind up in a cycle of run, crash, burn, recover…?


  • How's your mental gauge? Are you thinking clearly? Is your mind crowded with all kinds of things you can't do anything about? Do you doomscroll online whenever you get a break? Are you reading good material? Can you clear your mind as you climb into bed and go to sleep in peace? What kind of diet is your brain receiving? Books, webinars, podcasts, news, streaming, and TV? How does it affect your thinking and relationships? When were you last thoroughly rested and peaceful?


  • How's your emotional gauge? Can you feel all of your emotions? Are you skimming through life? Numb and just existing? Can you have a good cry when you need it? Or can you not stop crying? Have you buried toxic emotions hoping that rage, anger, frustration, and resentment won’t seep to the surface? Are your emotions exploding out of proportion, coming out sideways at the wrong people, at the wrong time, in the wrong way? Can you fully experience love, joy, peace, and wonder? Are you moved by fun, beauty, relationships, and God? When did you last have a good laugh?


What wears me out physically and spiritually--and also mentally and emotionally? What replenishes my tank, gives me life, keeps me going, energizes me? How do I need to readjust my schedule and priorities so that I can live a life of genuine trusting and resting in God?


Have I asked far too many questions?


In order to move from an exhausting pattern of run, crash, burn, recover to a sustainable and life-giving pattern of rest, pray, work, play, I need to submit my entire life to God. Physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and every other area of my life. In Psalm One, we speak of following after God with our head, heart, and hands. Everything we do is aimed at seeing the Lord work in and through us with everything He has made us to be.


"If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays."  (Luke 11:36)


Join us as we seek to allow the Light of the World to shed light on all our gauges. He made us, He knows us, and He loves us. I need Him to overhaul my entire life. Do you?


  • Refocus and Refuel:

Could you use sometime in a beautiful, quiet space to check your gauges and see if you might need a little bit more fuel in your engine? Do you need a little help figuring out how you might do that? Would you welcome time and space to sit at Jesus’ feet and ask Him? Join us for the Refocus and Refuel Retreat.


We had some cancelations, so we have space for you at the Refocus and Refuel Retreat next weekend (November 1-3) if you get a hold of me immediately. We have a limited number of partial scholarships for pastors and pastor’s spouses. Is that invitation for you? We love these getaways, and we would love to have you join us. This is for men and women, single and married, clergy and lay, anyone who desires a closer walk with Jesus. For more information: Mark your calendars for the 2025 retreats: March 14-16, September 26-28, November 14-16.


  • Psalm One Bible Study:

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) Join us any Tuesday from anywhere in the world for the Psalm One Bible Study. We have had a wonderful family of men and women seeking to walk with God for almost 25 years! We are currently in 1 Peter, and you are welcome to drop in at any point. This study meets online (with in-person gatherings for the locals) and is for men and women, married and single, anyone who wants to know the Word and walk with Jesus—with resources along the way. Everyone is welcome Tuesday at 7:30 pm Eastern Time whether you come every week or pop in every once in a while. Sign up to stay in the loop:


  • Psalm One Sisterhood of the Fishbowl Soul Care Retreats: 

A fun, relaxing, refilling weekend away that is all about feeding your soul, nurturing your walk with Jesus, and building authentic friendships with Aaron and Hur. Free and open weekends do not suddenly appear. If you don't prioritize your soul care, no one else will. We think we can't afford to take the time to restore our souls and find life giving friendships, but in reality we can't afford not to! Register NOW to join us: We have a limited number of partial scholarships available. Contact me For more information.


o   January 24-26 Cincinnati, Ohio

o   February 28-March 2 Green Lake, Wisconsin


  • Thursday night Psalm One “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl” just for Pastors’ Wives.

I look forward to Thursday every week. This group has been a joyful lifeline for so many of us. An oasis in the week where we can gather with friends, share our roller coaster lives, laugh quite a bit, pray for one another, and receive a spiritual boost. Thursdays, 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time. To stay in the loop for these online gatherings, resources, and encouragement, sign up at the top of this page: 



Hope to see you somewhere along the way soon.


Grace and peace,
