All photography property of and provided by Linda Kline
“ “...his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season…””
Our Mission
We've been coaching believers to draw on God's resources through Bible teaching in various settings since 1999. By facilitating soul care, spiritual formation, and times of silence, we encourage people to integrate sabbath into every area of their lives. Our aim is transformation into the image of Christ.
Linda Kline, a native of Louisville, Kentucky, is a former staff member of Cru and a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. She teaches the Bible and Christ-centered spiritual formation around the US and around the world. She facilitates soul care, Sabbath renewal, and spiritual growth through various retreats and gatherings for men and women. She counsels, consults, and serves on the Steering Committee of the Caregivers Forum, an international network which supports, equips, and strengthens those on the front lines of ministry.
Our goal in everything we do in Psalm One Ministries is to grow like those trees and send our roots deep into the living water of Christ.
Psalm 1:1-3 speaks of making a choice to sink our roots deep and delight in the word of God. If we will read, study and meditate upon His truth, God will send strength, resilience and nourishment to us. At times we may feel that we are in the desert rather than by a river, but the word “stream” in this verse is an irrigation canal—dug purposely to bring fresh water to the one who is parched and thirsty.
What we pour into
Bible study faithfully in Oregonia, OH Tuesdays - since 1999 until Jesus returns
Teaching in gatherings, conferences and churches around the world
Refocus & Refuel Retreats (2-day events)
Days of Refreshing (1-day events)
Assisting Pastors’ wives into deep soul care and refreshing, supportive community
Coming alongside Ministry Families
Counseling and Soul care