Join us in Cincinnati for a weekend getaway with Jesus. Pull away from the noise and busyness to refocus, refuel, rest, reboot, revel, relax, recollect, reconsider, revive, return, recommit, remember, receive, recover and rejoice.
March 14-16
September 26-28
November 14-16
Dates and details may change, so watch this space and sign up for emails to stay in the loop!
““For thus the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength’.””
A 48hr Semi-silent Soul Care Retreat
Come away with us for a Psalm One Refocus and Refuel Retreat. If you have done this before, you know how it pays off in transforming ways. We have had some very special times alone with the Lord as well as some great fun and fellowship together at past retreats. I always benefit from extended time in the Word, prayer, meditation, journaling, and sitting still at His feet. I need to take a time like this often to keep my priorities and perspective straight.
This is a “semi-silent” retreat. We open with time in the Word and heart preparation, close in sharing, teaching, and prayer, and we talk and laugh over meals. In between, however, we commit to the gift of silence as we meet with God and God alone, so you can enjoy unhurried, uninterrupted times of study, prayer, meditation on the Word, journaling, and just resting in His presence. I am available for spiritual direction if you are wrestling with how God might be leading you, if you’re not sure how to bring an issue before the Lord, or if you want to pray with me. Think of it as a stretched-out Day of Refreshing, with far more time to enjoy silence and solitude at Jesus' feet.
This retreat is open to all men and women who desire a closer walk with God, but I extend a special invitation to pastors, missionaries, and others in full-time vocational ministry. Come away undercover and receive rest, fresh direction, and a renewed perspective.
You can enjoy the beautiful grounds, chapel, and walkable neighborhoods of Glendale. There are peaceful nooks to spread out and to revel in extended time alone with Jesus. You will have your own room and bathroom.
We commit to the gift of silence as we meet with God and God alone.
We love these getaways! Don't be intimidated if you have never done anything like this before. It is always a renewing, challenging, and an encouraging time. Come and be strengthened by the Word of God, the presence of the Lord, and the mutual accountability of others who also desire to seek the Lord.
Why we love these getaways!
“The Refocus and Refuel Retreat never disappoints. God always always shows up Big Time! Sometimes in a new awareness, sometimes in a you can't miss it moment, sometimes in a bird taking a bath in the waterfall, and sometimes as reassurance of His personal Love and Presence. I came feeling unsure and a little lost and left with a heart full of assurance that God is with me and guiding me more than I realized. Thanks Linda for being His helper and voice in many ways this weekend. It was so freeing to have space and time to pray, reflect, journal, and relax. Please don't stop doing these!
For me, being at the Refocus and Refuel Retreat was like stepping out of the jungle into an oasis! It was a place where I was nourished, refreshed, lovingly challenged and encouraged by God as I quietly meditated on His Word, prayed and worship through nature walks with Him. God has uniquely gifted Linda Kline with the ability to greet pilgrims right where they are and provide an atmosphere that shepherds weary pilgrims towards increased faith in God, through well studied biblical teaching, powerful photography, and hilarious laughter! “
“The Refocus and Refuel retreat is a wonderful experience of community and communion with the LORD. I have always leave on Sunday wanting more time with the LORD and the community created, but I leave filled with hope, God's Presence, and knowing more deeply I am loved. There's no way to express how valuable this time away in silence is. It is really a transformative experience.”
“This weekend was a much needed respite from the frenetic pace of my day-to-day life. Experiencing the peace and joy that comes with setting aside time to take things at God's pace has helped me realize how much I need to be doing this on a regular basis, and I am already eager to attend the next retreat. I encourage anyone who is yearning to feel God's presence to present God with an offering of time alone with him, and see how richly he will bless you for it.”
“Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone amidst non-stop interruptions? It was so refreshing to have the opportunity to listen to God's speak through His Word without interruption and pour my heart out to Him in prayer! I came home feeling light at having given the burdens of my heart to the Lord!”
“Thank you for a wonderful weekend. I did not want the Refocus and Refuel Retreat to end. All of our physical needs were taken care of so gently and carefully. I have a new appreciation of being 'alone together'. There was time for sharing and we broke bread together but the best part was being alone with Jesus. Sitting at his feet without interruption was such a blessing. I could read scripture or pray or just sit quietly and listen at my own pace. I could walk outside in the SONshine, listen to the birds, enjoy the beautiful leaves as they change color, watch the squirrels scamper about and enjoy the last flowers of summer still in bloom. I did not miss the phone ringing, the TV or computer! The materials you gave us was so helpful. I wasn't able to get through them all but I will continue to use them. It was so peaceful, so calming to be alone with Jesus. I look forward to coming again.“
“I remember on my first Refocus and Refuel Retreat when we went into silence I was surprised at how noisy it still seemed to be…it was my racing mind. I didn’t realize how much I desperately needed this time to just lay down everything else, all the interruptions of day to day life, and just draw near to God and truly put Him first. No matter what state I’m in when I arrive at these retreats, whether mountain top or desert moments, God meets me there as I quiet my mind and have extended uninterrupted time with my Lord. When I let go of all expectations and just abide in HIM he always shows up and sometimes in the least expected ways. It’s a wonderful time to REST in HIM….and sometime for me that actually includes a good nap. These retreats are the perfect balance of good Bible-based teaching, extended quiet time with God, and laughter over meals. The Refocus and Refuel Retreats are priceless! Thank you, Linda.”
“My first Psalm One event was a Day of Refreshing. I really enjoyed the teaching and tools that Linda Kline offered to help us stay connected to the true source of life, Jesus. The time at Jesus’ feet was a new experience for me, but I completely loved it! One day is not enough once you taste of His goodness, so I decided to sign up for the Refocus and Refuel retreat and the experience was divine. He guided me exactly to what I needed. From the places I rested in, to the Scriptures, to His creation, He was in control. My advice if you are in doubt is to taste of it and see how good it is for your soul. The experience does not end when the weekend gets to an end. The work He starts on the weekend will change you forever. Your focus on life will change and you will feel a new boost to keep searching for more of Him. Your time and your money could not be invested in a better gift than His presence!”
“This was a fun chance to get away and be alone with the Lord. Our soul needs refreshing and it is vitally important we take time to allow the Lord to speak into our hearts. This brings refreshing and restoration. Thank you!”
“The time was so refreshing to my spirit! The retreat gave me the time and space to hear more clearly from the Lord...ask Him tough questions and spend time in scripture and prayer listening to His voice. Creating time for silence is a new must in my rhythm of life!”
"I have continued to attend the Refocus and Refuel retreats as they are one of the most valuable ways that I can spend my time throughout the year! I am reminded that while we often prioritize so many other things in our lives, focused and uninterrupted time with God and getting quiet to hear what He has to say is often pushed to the bottom of our priority list! These weekends are a gift to allow us to be intentional about prioritizing this most valuable time. God never fails to meet us as we choose to "sow" time with Him: "...for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7). It is well worth it!!”
Set aside this time to devote to the Lord.
This is for men and women--anyone who desires a deeper relationship with God! This is especially life-giving and replenishing for those who pour themselves out in ministry to others. Come and clear out the cobwebs through life-giving time with the Shepherd. Set aside this time to devote to the Lord. It will be time well invested. Hope you can join us!
Cost is $250 ($275 after February 28), which includes all housing, meals and materials. Space is limited and we cannot hold your spot until paid in full, so register soon!
We begin with Friday dinner and wrap up after lunch on Sunday. (We form a wonderful community of support, accountability and encouragement for the weekend, so if you cannot arrive in Glendale by 5:30PM Friday and stay through lunch on Sunday, we ask you to wait for another Psalm One event.)
Your space will be confirmed once registration, payment, and required forms are received.
Pay by check: Psalm One Ministries, P.O. Box 653, Mason, OH 45040
Pay by PayPal or Credit/Debit Card (be sure to designate on drop-down for Refocus and Refuel Retreat):