Our supporters make everything possible through generous giving, encouraging notes, faithful prayer for God’s will to be done in and through our ministry, and helping hands.
giving to psalm one
* Psalm One Ministries is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, so all contributions are tax deductible.
Have you been encouraged, strengthened or blessed through the ministry of Psalm One? Please consider investing in our ongoing work of Bible teaching and Christ-centered Spiritual Formation in Ohio, across the US, and around the world.
We depend on the giving of individuals, groups and churches who believe in the work we are doing. Your involvement makes it possible to reach out and expand our impact as we challenge people to walk with God in increasing intimacy and obedience.
Donations of any size make our work possible. The body of Christ working together accomplishes much, and each part has an invaluable importance.
or Donate by check: Psalm One Ministries - new P. O. Box to be announced soon
speaking engagements
If you would like to have Linda come speak/teach/preach/facilitate at your event or for your church group, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.
““Though I have many things to write to you, I do not want to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, so that your joy may be made full.””
Linda Kline speaks, teaches, preaches, consults, and facilitates soul care retreats in many settings in the United States and around the world with passion, humor and love for Christ. Her goal is always to challenge and encourage people to connect with God in a genuine, Biblical, transformational experience.
How do I book Linda Kline to minister with us?
1. Contact Linda to consider your event(s) and to find suitable dates on her calendar.
2. Once the event(s) and dates have been cleared by Linda and her Board of Directors, we will contact you to discuss honorarium and expenses and confirm your booking.
Click here to sample Linda’s teaching and preaching.
Let us know how you are praying for us. We treasure your encouragement and supplication on our behalf. Prayer warriors are crutial to our success in God’s work for us.