Soul Care Connections for Pastors’ Wives
Would you enjoy being with a few authentic, fun friends who truly understand life in the ministry? Join us Thursdays online at 7:30pm Eastern Time for the “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl”, a casual gathering of sharing, laughter, encouragement, prayer, and time in the Word. We love our yearly Soul Care Retreats (see below), but once a year is not enough! Thursday nights have become a lifeline of genuine friendship to so many of us. Sign up to stay in the loop.
Soul Care Retreats for Pastors’ Wives
Has it been a great year of growth and encouragement? Or are you barely hanging on by a thread? Would you welcome some tools to keep your heart alive toward God? Are you hungry to draw near to Jesus and fill your soul? Do you need some rest? Would you enjoy a little fun? No matter where life finds you, all women, whose husbands are full-time pastors, are invited to join us for one of our Psalm One “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl” Soul Care Retreats. January 24-26, 2025 in Cincinnati, Ohio or February 28-March 2 in Green Lake, Wisconsin. We occasionally add a third retreat, date and location to be announced.
Soul Care... Doesn’t that sound good? Get away with Jesus, and rest, and laugh, and learn, and be refreshed. Just for a few days, leave behind the busyness, and the pressures, the worries, the responsibilities, the concerns, the kids, the husband, the noise…
We have such a wonderful time on these retreats! We have our own cozy little cottage to ourselves. Reveling in God’s creation. Digging deep in His Word. Encouraging and strengthening one another. Peaceful walks through beautiful neighborhoods. Time to just be still and know that He is God.
Many of us take care of everything and everyone except ourselves. We might know how to run, crash, burn, and recover…but what about integrating the healthy, holy rhythms of Jesus into a life of work, play, rest and prayer? We serve a God who loves us more than we can ever fully comprehend. He wants His life to flow naturally out of a heart that is rested, restored and centered on Him.
Cincinnati, OHIO: January 24-26, 2025
$225 ($250 after January 10)
Green Lake, WISCONSIN: February 28-March 2, 2025
$225 ($250 after February 7)
The cost covers your housing, food, and materials. Will your church send you? I hope so! Space is limited to 12 women, so register early.
This is open to any woman whose husband is a full-time pastor, no matter which hats she wears: pastor, counselor, mother, attorney, accountant, nurse, teacher, or chief cook and bottle washer. So pass this to other pastors’ wives who might enjoy a weekend of fun, laughter, strengthening and encouragement! Let me know if there is anyone who’d like to be kept in the loop.
We cannot make any refunds within two weeks of the retreat. We begin with dinner on Friday night, and wrap up early afternoon on Sunday. We form a wonderful community of friends for this special getaway, so if you cannot arrive by Friday at 5pm and stay until Sunday afternoon, we ask that you wait for another Psalm One event.
We may think we can't afford to take 48 hours away just to be renewed and refreshed and recharged. But in reality, we can’t afford not to! Life happens, and there will always be "emergencies" (according to someone's definition) ...places to go, things to do, and people to see. So if you're waiting for a completely free block of time in which there are no demands on your time, you'll wait forever. Decide to carve out this time for your own soul health.
Why we love these getaways!
Decide NOW to carve out this time for your own soul health.
Leave it all behind for a while and come away for a great time with the Lord and some of His finest fellow creations. Join the Sisterhood of the Fishbowl!
“My cup was empty---bone dry when I left for the weekend, upon my return home---my cup runneth over! God and I walked together, sat together, and he spoke clearly to me. God told me to ‘ask him.’ and I did just that! Linda, I cannot express how much these weekends mean. Thank you for all that you do for us pastors' wives. Life gets so busy and we are so busy pouring out to others, that time to receive and refill becomes such a tremendous blessing. I now understand that I must take more time, somehow, somewhere, just to sit at my Father's feet so that I can receive from Him and clearly hear His voice. Thank you for giving me the time to learn this important lesson. What you do Linda, could not be more necessary. Thank you so much!
“I am processing through the many insights gleaned from this past weekend. Wow! Life-giving, fulfilling and me-too conversations that rarely happen anywhere else. Feeling safe and held by God and connecting with Jesus. There’s truly nothing like it. Linda has such a way of creating space for our souls to breathe and reach to the One who knows it all. We are truly and authentically blessed even as we do not deserve nor earn it. She helps to remind us why we stepped into God’s calling to begin with and His goodness.”
“This weekend was just what I needed. The last few times I’ve gone, I’ve spent a little more time pulled back and to myself. Just reading, resting, and recharging. Which has always been great, and I'm so thankful for the space to do just that. This year, though, God provided me with many divine appointments - some to talk ministry, some to laugh, some to cry, some to be NOT a Pastor’s wife, and some to just share in the wonder and beauty of God. This weekend was the perfect mixture of laughter and tears - the release that came from both was just what I needed.
“GO. Don't ignore any nudge from Jesus, just GO. You will never regret it.”
Whether you’re experiencing pure joy in ministry or you’re ready to change your name and go hide under a rock for the next 7-10 years, come to a soul care retreat. God places people all over the world who are praying for you during this time of your retreat (and beyond), and God always hears those prayers. You will come away with exactly what you need.”
“I first want to say, thank you----Thank you for this last weekend! It was of utmost wonderful---I did not realize how much I needed you gals and this weekend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! This last weekend was immeasurably valuable. From the smiling faces when I walked in the door to the connections among all of us to the time spent with my Father, to the food, to the information you shared with us, to the Bible Study of Hannah on Sunday, to the prayers we shared before leaving, it was all so so so valuable. I will be back next year---thank you! Oh my goodness, my Father was so encouraging. It was so calming and refreshing to just sit at His feet and just be. I must find more time daily to read His Word and just be still. I have not felt so at peace as I did this last weekend. I am beginning to internalize the knowledge that I am His beloved daughter---and that is so Enough!!! I must say the most meaningful "things" from this last weekend were first the realization that I am not alone. There are others out there feeling, thinking and functioning just like me. Secondly, I now have people I can actually say anything to---Thank you for that----I am an introvert--and I do hold so much in, but it is so relieving to know there is a place I can just talk-----Thank you----Lastly, I never would have thought that there are people in the world that want to give us "pastor's wives" a voice. A safe place to just be ourselves. Thank you for that---thank you... I would say to another pastor's wife---Go---do not hesitate---just go! It is so wonderful ---a true blessing! Obey when you hear that 2 letter word---"GO" You will not be disappointed! “
“What you're offering, Linda, is such a huge gift to us. There is nothing--NOTHING--out there like this and having a safe place for us to share and connect with others in our same life circumstance, in a safe, secure place where we can air our dirty laundry and encourage and pray for one another is absolutely necessary. You can't put a dollar on the impact! Truly! Additionally, your input, your experience and wisdom from all the training you've had in soul care is essential to help us focus back on why we are here, why we exist, why we are called to do what we do, how to move forward, how to survive, how to thrive, how to love, how to grow spiritually and quite frankly it helped me remember my heart needs to be filled by Jesus and Jesus alone before I can do anything for anyone else. This weekend away with all of you gave me so much life!”
“As a ministry wife with a full-time job as well as a full plate of personal and ministry responsibilities, I know it's hard to make time to get away from kids, work, marriage, and ministry. But you must. You simply must have space to care for your own soul, so that you have a full well from which to pour out your life to others. Jesus modeled this for us, and it is important for us to model it for those who look to us for spiritual direction. It is especially healing to be in the presence of other ministry wives to gain perspective on one's own situation. In the words of a Todd Agnew song, "I couldn't fool you if I wanted to; our stories are too much the same." Being with others who have confronted similar temptations, endured similar trials, and persevered through similar pain frees us to be who we are behind the Ministry Mask.”
“I know that my spiritual life, emotional life, thought life and married life have been profoundly and positively affected by these times away with a small, intimate group of other pastors' wives. It annually provides me with the time I need that I just wouldn’t or couldn’t take on my own to assess where I am at and what specifically God is up to in my life and my family’s life and in my church. It encourages me to keep moving forward, to keep clinging to Jesus, to remember that I am never alone because God is always with me and also because there are other beautiful women who have so many of my own shared experiences. I also keep coming back because I learn so much from ALL the women who come and are willing to share and bare their hearts. There is a wealth of wisdom and experience and genuine love for Jesus in these groups. It is invaluable. PS--I would also like to add that I keep coming back also because it’s just plain FUN!”
“It was a true gift to come away with God and friends — both old and new — to share our stories, lift one another up, and spend uninterrupted time with Jesus. Our lives are so busy, and many times it feels we are being ‘pecked to death’ by demands from spouse, children, parents, job, and ministry. These retreat times give us space to connect more deeply with Jesus and to share life with women who just ‘get it'. The age range this weekend was significant, spanning 3 generations. In spite of this, our shared lives of ministry gave us a great deal in common. We could laugh together uproariously and also grieve empathetically. Shared challenges, successes, griefs, fears, joys, and just a bit of irreverence about ministry life make a wonderful mesh of connections. If you are a pastor’s wife wondering whether you can justify the cost and/or the time away from responsibilities: YES! These retreats pay dividends for months and years after the event.”
“I have been coming to the Psalm One pastors’ wives soul care retreats for about 20 years now. It would be impossible to overstate the difference the retreats have made in my own spiritual and emotional maturity and health, as well as my fitness for and resiliency in dealing with the challenges of ministry. In every retreat I have received informative and soul-challenging content. Most importantly, I have made deep, soul-level, “I get you” friends — a great rarity in the life of ministry families. Just to gather, once a year (would that it could be more frequently!), with friends who understand not only the challenges I face but also my consuming passion for Jesus and his church, has been transformative and life-giving… and a whole lot of fun! “
“This time away to listen to other pastors' wives and pray with one another refreshes my soul in more ways than I can explain in words. Linda always finds ways to get us to reflect on Bible passages and work through spiritual tools. Linda gives us insight into how to focus our silent prayer time on how God is speaking into our lives. Thank you, Linda! I never finish all the tools you give us, but that will keep me busy when I return home. God encouraged me by reminding me I am not alone and that HE can handle all things and will walk with me through all circumstances. The most meaningful part was knowing we were heard and cared for by others; especially God! God loves me and this I know. It truly is unique to surround yourself with 10 or 11 other pastors' wives to hear their hearts, pain, and joy. As you listen to others' stories and spend time reflecting on Bible passages together it's like a light bulb comes on and you realize you are not the freak. LOL! You are not alone and there are others who will listen and have experienced the unique joys and pains of being a pastor's wife that you have experienced. You will find a group of ladies ready to listen, laugh, cry, and pray with you! I've spent one retreat crying almost the whole time as I allowed myself to feel the pains ministry can bring into our lives. Then I started spending retreats laughing and just being amazed at how God works in the lives of other amazing ladies who happen to be pastors' wives. Hearing everyone tell their life stories can really encourage my heart.”
Pastors’ wives have full (often over-full) schedules and may also shy away from “Stepford Wives” types of gatherings. The “Sisterhood of the Fishbowl” Soul Care Retreat is nothing like this! The past retreat that I attended was so life-giving and necessary for me. We’ve been going through a difficult time in our church and I was shattered. Being able to talk to others who knew exactly where I was coming from and to receive prayer and encouragement from them, was like having my burdens lifted from my shoulders and carried by these women. It’s amazing how you can develop such a strong connection to people you’ve never met before. I’m an introvert and being in a group of strangers is very intimidating for me, but it doesn’t take long to find commonalities with the other women. Linda Kline also facilitates this gathering in a way that is healthy, safe, God-focused, healing, and fun. It is absolutely worth the time, money, and effort. If you’re hesitating in any way, give it a chance and sign up. You’ll never hesitate again.”
“These retreats are quite literally life-restoring to those who attend. The pastor’s wife not only does not generally have a pastor, but she often does not experience church in the way God intended. For the pastor’s wife, the church is a place to pour out, not to fill up. She cannot afford to have deep friendships within the church, because betrayal is too frequently real; so she is often most lonely in the place where God intends His people to connect most deeply. These retreats provide brief opportunities for pastors’ wives to be church for one another. We meet new friends who “get” our life almost immediately at a very deep level. We get tools to take back to other ministry wives who couldn’t attend the retreat. We have time to rest and connect deeply with Jesus just for ourselves, not to prepare a lesson for someone else. We leave re-filled, restored, recommitted to continuing in ministry, and newly connected to — not just friends — but sisters.”
“I would say that the retreat for me can be summed up in one word...hope. After coming through a year of messy ministry stuff, where I was feeling very much alone and isolated, my time together with other pastors’ wives was such a balm on my soul. The topics that were chosen reassured me that I was not alone for the Lord IS my refuge even through messy stuff. It helped me to understand why I was feeling so overwhelmed and alone. What a blessing.”
“What would I say to encourage another pastor’s wife to join us for a gathering? GO. Quit looking for the perfect thing that your husband, your kids, or your denomination would “approve of”. Quit waiting for “the right time” when nobody needs you…that will NEVER happen. If you’re in a tough time at church, I’m sure you’re thinking “I can’t leave my husband to face this alone on a Sunday.” He is not alone – God has promised to always be with each of us. Sometimes a wife to lean on can conceal the need for God to meet your husband and display His power. It is not selfish to go – if you’re all hung up on this, remind yourself that you can serve those you love in a fresher way after time alone with the Father. He will speak to you directly, and also through the comfort of other women who understand your life like NO OTHER HUMAN BEING can."
“I was a pastor's kid and now I am a pastor's wife. It was not until I attended a Psalm One pastor's wife event that I realized that I had never had a pastor and I had never been a part of a Christian fellowship without those around me expecting me to have it together and meet their needs in some way. This time away has become a sacred space in my life. A space where I can be who I am and openly struggle with what I am struggling with without judgment or fear. A space where I can be covered in God's love and grace and challenged to grow. Getting away to an event like this may seem extravagant but it is in fact essential. Meeting a whole new group of women may seem exhausting but it is in fact life giving. Just come.”
"It is a weekend where there is space to be simply be who I am. I can speak the Story of ministry as it has happened in my life with the obstacles, the heartaches, the disappointments, the learnings and the joys. I don't need to sugar coat anything or water it down. It is what it is. These women are kindred spirits and Linda sets the stage for authentic listening and sharing. No one is trying to fix my situation, but is simply present to hear it. I can share as much or as little and I feel led and God meets us where we are. There is space and it is sacred."
“I would encourage another pastor's wife to come to a soul care retreat if: she doesn't have it all figured out, if she needs to know she is not alone, if she yearns to leave the identity and role of 'pastor's wife', and if she wants more from her life here on earth. God will meet her there. Even if she is brand new with the fire and idealism in her belly, she can bring it here...even if she has 50 years of ministry battered and bruised and wants to finish well...she can bring it here...even if she is confused and wonders if it is all worth it...she can bring it here.”
“I am thankful for the opportunity to get away from the daily fullness and come to a quiet place of rest. The facilities were amazing and the conversations were helpful in encouraging reflection.”