Psalm One Ministries

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Alone Together #3 Roller Coaster Emotions

Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning;

For I trust in You;

Teach me the way in which I should walk;

For to You I lift up my soul.

Psalm 143:8


How is your soul today?


So many thoughts and emotions jockeying for position right now: anxiety, fear, confusion, grief, loss, frustration, anger, security, hope, love, peace and unshakable joy. It takes every ounce of strength to stay out of the “What If…?” spiral. Some days I do better than others. Some hours I battle the onslaught. You may find your sleep disturbed. You may be exhausted as the mental and emotional toll of this crisis leech our strength and stamina. Please respond to increased need for rest for both your body and mind during this season.


Our world is shaking while our King is securely on His throne. How do I reconcile this in my head and heart?


My #1 suggestion: spend time in the Psalms. These poems do not shy away from the tough conflicts. They allow us to pour out our soul through every emotion known to man. The psalms coach us through from lament toward praise. They teach us to pray when we have no idea how to begin. From fear, confusion, attack, suffering, betrayal and ever other pain to reliance, faith, remember, and anchoring our selves in an unchanging God.


I invite you to read 5 psalms a day (with one entire day for 119) for one month. Then repeat for the rest of your life. Literally. Use the 20/20/20 from Alone Together #2 to read, reread, slow down, meditate, absorb, then respond to these poems. Let them guide you as the Divine Mentor holds us and walks us through to learn to fix our eyes on Him.


More tomorrow on how to process the emotional roller coaster…

Overview of Psalms from the Bible Project: