Wow. The world has changed. God has not.

But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD,

I say, "You are my God."

My times are in Your hand.

(Psalm 31:14-15)


The current Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge in our lifetime. How do we handle these uncharted choppy waters?


  • Be kind. Be patient. Be gracious. Be gentle. People are very, very fragile. Emotions are close to the surface. Take care of one another. People are ill, dying, grieving, frightened, angry, lonely, disappointed, depressed, bored, terrified, conflicted, isolated, and vulnerable.

  • Check on one another. Support one another as we maneuver through this minefield. Ask God who you can serve by calling isolated friends and family, listening to those who need to process some tough struggles, getting groceries, running errands for those who are quarantined, donating for those in need, giving practical assistance, writing notes, posting fun and uplifting content, sharing beauty, and being Jesus with skin on. We can all help in some way. We need each other, especially now. Some fear the virus, some fear the financial fallout, some fear the time alone. Some of you are introverts, and the social distancing aspect of this crisis is no great hardship. Some of you are extroverts and are already losing your mind.

  • Be wise. Be responsible. Be aware of your own vulnerabilities and your impact on others. I am dismayed by some who are still recklessly putting others in danger by continuing non-essential gatherings, thereby risking lives. I know so many of us must remain in contact with other people through your jobs and responsibilities—and I applaud all of you who are caring for others and keeping us going. But as one of those high-risk individuals with severe lung issues, I beg you to self-quarantine if you can and observe social distance and good hygiene when you cannot.

  • Be ready to give an account for the hope that is in you. (1 Peter 3:15) People have their antennae out, looking for something, anything to hold onto in this storm. Many feel suddenly rudderless. Be the Body of Christ. Help others to take hold of “this hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us.” (Hebrews 6:19-20)

  • Choose peace over panic. Don't waste this opportunity. Take advantage of the quiet. Some of us burn the candle at both ends and may suddenly have buffer time and space for the first time in years. Use this time to be with God in His Word, in prayer, in silence and solitude. There’s a huge difference between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness is nothingness. Loneliness is empty. Solitude is being with God alone. Spending time with my Beloved. Solitude is life-giving. Solitude with Jesus fills us with hope and peace and direction. Lean in. Rest your head on the Lord so you can heart His heartbeat.

I have a challenging job description in Psalm One: To put your hand in the hand of Jesus. Teaching the Word, creating space for God, modeling uni-tasking instead of multi-tasking, and encouraging time alone at Jesus’ feet so people can hear that still small voice, see the One who is invisible, and truly experience God. To follow hard after Him with our head, heart, and hands. Some have been thrust into a season with extra time and space and have no idea what to do with it.

Would you appreciate some input, guidance, tools, or other content to help us spend this time with Jesus? At the Refocus and Refuel Retreat and Days of Refreshing, we practice seeking God “alone together”. That is not a contradiction in terms.  That means we are each spending time alone with the Lord, but with the encouragement and accountability of others who are also seeking Him. If you would like to receive this input, submit your email below for “Alone Together” and I’ll keep you in the loop.

My health varies, so I can’t guarantee how much or how often I will share. I’m not sure what form it will take. I want it to be Spirit-led instead of Linda-led, so let’s give God space and see what He might have to share with us.

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.

(1 Peter 1:5-9)

Please pray:

  • For all of those affected in so many ways at so many levels.

  • For those who are ill or will contract Covid-19.

  • For those who have or will lose loved ones to Covid-19.

  • For the medical teams and researchers battling this illness and caring for us.

  • For every worker who is keeping us going.

  • For people who need to keep working in a public setting to keep food on the table.

  • For people who may lose their business or will have to shut down for weeks or months.

  • For people who may be severely impacted financially.

  • For people who live paycheck to paycheck who no longer have a paycheck.

  • For people who are hungry.

  • For those whose plans and dreams have been thwarted in so many ways.

  • For all those whose entire life has been turned upside down.

  • For people who are very, very afraid with nothing to hold on to.

  • For people who are lonely and cut off from loved ones.

  • For people who are at high risk due to age, compromised immune systems, health complications and other issues.

  • That our global community will work together with

    • wise leadership

    • truthful communication

    • cooperation

    • the best minds and best practices we can bring to bear on Covid-19 and all the implications of this terrible pandemic.

Through all of this, I have this palpable, unshakeable sense of hope. I truly believe good things are going to come out of this. We’ve already seen so many people being proactive and creative to help, serve, support, and encourage others any safe way they can. But things will get a lot worse before they get better. Any predictions on how this will play out and how long it will last are mere guesses. God alone knows what we are facing. There are some things that only change through suffering. We do not have the answers, but we know that God is still sovereign and eternal, and He is not wringing His hands.


"O our God, will You not judge them? For we are powerless before this great multitude who are coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You." All Judah was standing before the LORD, with their infants, their wives and their children.

(2 Chronicles 20:12-13)


May we humble ourselves before God as individuals and as a community. May we look to Him as the still spot in a spinning universe. May we rest in Him. And may we be shaped by trials to look more like Jesus.

Grace and peace,


To seek God “Alone Together:

O Magnify the Lord

O magnify the LORD with me, 

And let us exalt His name together. 

Psalm 34:3


Who points you to the Lord? Who helps you see The One Who Is Invisible? Who pulls life into perspective when the “muchness and manyness” of life fogs you in? Who helps you hold on to Jesus when you're not strong enough to do it on your own?


Who magnifies the Lord for you?

  • Friends

  • Mentors

  • Pastors

  • Teachers

  • Counselors

  • Family members

  • Writers (many of whom are long gone but whose words stand the test of time)

  • Musicians

  • Artists


During a very tough seasons in my life, a woman named Beverly met with me a few times and helped me process some very daunting changes and challenges in my personal and ministry life. I’ve probably only spent a total of 24 hours with her, yet she was a very strategic influence my life.  


Whom do you trust with your soul? If you have even one or two “Beverlies” in your life, you are blessed.


I desperately need other Beverlies in my life. Do you have someone in your life with whom you can discuss what it means to live the Christian life? Who can help your process the frustrating dry wilderness experiences, excitement, difficult decisions, spiritual breakthroughs, seasons of stumbling, watershed moments, doubts, pain, gray areas, and bewildering situations?  Who can remind you of truth, point you toward the Lord and help you see and hear God when all seems foggy or silent? Someone who will magnify God for you?


I am often asked, “Should I have a spiritual director?” Yes. Many. I think we need a variety people throughout our lives who can stimulate and challenge and direct and listen and pray and bounce around the reality of knowing and serving the Lord. It takes a lot of wise input to finish well in that long obedience in the same direction.


No one person has arrived. No one person can provide the insight I need to walk with Christ. We need different people who can help point us toward God. Men and women, clergy and lay, friends and family, younger and older, who connect with us in openness, humility, mutual encouragement--not just top-down direction. Each person brings a unique perspective and shines light from a new angle. I have had the privilege of studying and learning and living alongside so many incredibly faithful believers, and each one has contributed to my understanding of what it means to live in Christ.


To whom I shall open my soul?


  • Do they have a solid knowledge of the whole of Scripture that acts as a grid by which everything is filtered? Just because someone is a spiritual director does not mean they are Biblically based, Christ-centered, or even walk with Jesus. So many times I have heard people report unhealthy, heretical, or flat-out sinful conclusions, and am told, “My spiritual director told me”. Going deep apart from the Lord and His Word can lead to endless and possibly paralyzing introspection, a temptation toward self-indulgence and even self-deception, and strengthening of my flesh rather than dependency on God.


  • On the other hand, if they spout Bible verses as pat answers and simple solutions, without genuinely listening to you or considering what the Holy Spirit might be whispering, bless them and step away. Am I being conformed to the image of Christ? Or to a legalistic cookie-cutter mold? Do they help me wrestle with the really rough challenges of faith? Do I leave with a profound peace and a desire to serve God in greater joy and freedom?  Or with a set of do’s and don’ts and a miserable case of shame and false guilt? The Word can be used to lead us to truth—or to beat us up.


  • Does this person foster a dependence upon Jesus?  Or a dependence upon him/her? Does it feel like control and manipulation? Or freedom to be myself and express my true heart and mind? Am I becoming who God truly made me, or am I becoming hard and proud?


  • Does he/she have all the answers? Everything neatly sorted out? A formula for every dilemma? No room for the mystery of God? I would not trust this person with my soul. Someone who is mature in the Lord is always holding onto unshakeable truth, but also growing, knowing they have not arrived. I love gleaning from lifelong learners with a teachable attitude.


  • If I only receive input from my own gender, age, denomination, and viewpoint, I cut myself off from a wealth of insight on what it means to walk with Christ.


  • Does being with this person cause me to want a closer walk with Jesus? Do they free my spirit to connect with the Holy Spirit in transformation? Are they able to speak into my life in such a way that we stimulate one another to love and good deeds? Make the time to connect with this person whenever you can.


As I study the Scripture, I see there is no such thing as a healthy Lone Ranger in the Kingdom. There are times when I need you to magnify the Lord for me. There will be times when I may be able to magnify the Lord for you. No matter how long I’ve been a believer, how mature I think I am, how many times I’ve been hurt or disappointed by someone in the church. I cannot walk with Christ without the body of Christ. God does not give me the option of going it alone.


Who magnifies God for you? Who needs you to be a Beverly? Who are your Beverlies?


Grace and peace,


Repentance. Rest. Quietness. Trust.

For thus the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said,

"In repentance and rest you will be saved,

In quietness and trust is your strength."

Isaiah 30:15







That sounds so peaceful and healing. As vital as oxygen. Wonderfully counter-cultural. I long for these.


But how? Most of us do not need to be convinced that we need more repentance, rest, quietness, and trust in our lives. But how do we receive and nurture these gifts? How can I learn, understand, and practice the spiritual disciplines that grow my relationship with God on all these levels?


    The word discipleship and the word disciple are the same word--that has always

fascinated me. Once you have made the choice to say, "Yes, I want to follow Jesus," the

question is, "What disciplines will help me remain faithful to that choice?" If we want to be

disciples of Jesus, we have to live a disciplined life. 


    By discipline, I do not mean control. If I know the discipline of psychology or of

economics, I have a certain control over a body of knowledge. If I discipline my children, I

want to have a little control over them. 


    But in the spiritual life, the word discipline means "the effort to create some space in

which God can act." Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up.

Discipline means that somewhere you're not occupied, and certainly not preoccupied. In the

spiritual life; discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you

hadn't planned or counted on.

---“Moving from Solitude to Community to Ministry” by Henri Nouwen







Soul friends.




Truth + Grace + Time

The Word of God.

The Spirit of God.

The Body of Christ. 


These are the elements that nurture repentance, rest, quietness, and trust in my life. They open up my life for Jesus. For most of us, they don’t just magically happen. They require some intentionality. This is what we offer through Psalm One Ministries. 


As 2020 roars to life, before our schedules crowd Jesus out, let’s create some space in which God can act.


Grace and peace,
