Alone Togther #17 Yikes.

Whatever else we’re doing, may we all be praying without ceasing. Wow. You can only imagine what’s coming across my desk. How do we as Jesus followers navigate the challenges?


  • We hope to begin meeting face-to-face in the classroom soon. Pay attention to your email. I am not yet released to be with more than ten people. We will work out a Zoom component so those who cannot join us in person for any reason can still be with us.


  • Everyone has ideas on when and how fellowships should reopen. There is no easy solution and one-size-fits-all plan. And as I talk with pastors and ministry leaders, it breaks my heart to hear how many believers are being really ugly about it. We’ve never done this before, and I know everyone has their own ideas. May we be patient and consider others as we make decisions about re-entry.


  • “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away."

Revelation 21:1-4


Anyone else longing for this? Anyone else crying out, “Come, Lord Jesus”? How do we come before God at a time like this?


On top of other personal issues you and your family may be facing, two huge issues currently dominate the first half of 2020:


All the facets of Covid-19

  • Illness

  • Death

  • Isolation

  • Safety

  • Wildly varying reports and opinions

  • Economic devastation

  • Reopening churches, businesses

  • Disappointments

  • Cancellations

  • How to proceed in wisdom

  • Political divisions


All the facets of the unrest in America

  • The death of George Floyd

  • Racial issues

  • Protesters

  • Riots

  • Looting

  • Violence

  • Safety

  • Economic devastation

  • Further splintering of our society and the Church

  • Political divisions


Some of us have barely been affected. Some of us have our lives turned upside down. Some have barely had to adjust course. Others have lost everything. We each have a unique experience, griefs, and perspective. Everyone has their own opinions (which of course, everyone else should share!). In the immortal words of Dylan Moran: “I know not everyone thinks the same way I do. And that’s what makes the day so long.”


I know it will be very difficult, and I know people have extremely strong opinions, but please no politics tonight. Can we agree to disagree but come together in the Word and the Lord? Praying for wisdom and direction as we take each step. May God teach us to listen, then to trust Him for each step.


“This  you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” (James 1:19)


Much love,


P.P.S. I think I should share this again:

Alone Together #16 How are you doing? Really.

Hope you can join us for some time in the Word tonight! I really look forward to being with you all. As always, feel free to slip in late or leave early as needed. Pajamas and bad hair encouraged. 7:30 pm ET.


How are you doing? Really.


It may be business as usual for you. But for many of us, our emotions are magnified, blunted, or roller coastering. I hear of sleep disturbances, weird dreams, heightened feelings, unhealthy coping strategies, trouble with motivation, relational conflicts, frayed nerves, depression, anxiety, anger, and so many emotions shoved down that are shooting out sideways. Pastors and ministry leaders: call me if you need to process, pray, cry, or scream. A good article:


Pastors are facing so many pressures as they try to make wise, godly decisions concerning reopening. Every church has a different situation. Logistics for opening vary wildly depending on geographic location, population demographics, building facilities, stages of the curve, government guidelines, worship styles, financial stressors, and so many other factors. Please, please pray for your pastors and ministry leaders. This is an incredibly challenging season for all of us, but leaders are really under intense pressure from all sides. There are no easy answers or one-size-fits-all decisions. No matter which position reflects your thoughts, (and many tell me they think a different way every day!), we can demonstrate support, patience, care, unity, and love as the Body of Christ. Please pray for the Church with a capital C, as well as your local church.


We continue to take things one day at a time. We continue to sort through all the changing and contradicting news, information, statistics, opinions, and Facebook posts. May the Spirit breathe His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control through us as we seek to walk in His wisdom. “Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.” (James 3:13)

Alone Together #15 Life Without Lack

Did you ever get to the end of a book and think, "Okay, I'm think I’m finally ready to read this now."?

I’ve been reading and studying Life Without Lack By Dallas Willard. Contrary to what some might infer from the title, this is not a prosperity gospel, name-it-and-claim-it, “financial favor” book. Far from it. It is a book on how we can cooperate with Jesus to see His supernatural character lived out through our lives in a "long obedience in the same direction" (Friedrich Nietzsche). It is a book I’ll be revisiting and digesting for a lifetime. So challenging, yet so freeing at the same time. I’ve already learned so much. If I ever feel like I’m starting to get a handle on this, we’ll study it together.


A huge thank you to you kind and generous people who have sent a check or donated online to allow Psalm One to keep ministering. You know who you are. As you can imagine, this has been a tight season for those in ministry. I assure you, I am not twiddling my thumbs while working at home. I am continuing to consult, counsel, teach, write, and encourage those who desire a closer walk with God.


Have you been encouraged, strengthened or blessed through the ministry of Psalm One?  Please consider investing in our ongoing work of Bible teaching and Christ-centered Spiritual Formation around Ohio, across the US, and around the world. We depend on the giving of individuals, groups and churches who believe in the work we are doing. Your involvement makes it possible to reach out and expand our impact as we challenge people to walk with God in increasing intimacy and obedience. Psalm One Ministries is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization so all contributions are tax deductible.

To donate:

To mail a check: Psalm One Ministries, 6344 Inverness Way, Mason, OH 45040