He Appeared and the Soul Felt its Worth

    O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,

    It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth.

    Long lay the world in sin and error pining,

    ’Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth.


    A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,

    For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.


    Fall on your knees! O hear the angel voices!

    O night divine, O night when Christ was born;

    O night divine, O night, O night Divine.


One of my favorite titles of God is El Roi, the God Who Sees. In Exodus 3:7-8, God declares He

  1. has seen the affliction

  2. has given heed to their cry 

  3. is aware of their sufferings.

“So I have come down to deliver them.”


    Long lay the world in sin and error pining,

    ’Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth.


He sees us, He hears us, He is aware, and He has come down to deliver us. Jesus’ birth demonstrates definitively for the world that the soul has found its worth, that with his birth the soul is seen, acknowledged, valued, and feels its worth. 


2022 was the first time in decades of ministry I wanted to quit. Stop reaching out. Give up teaching the Word, speaking, spiritual direction, facilitating, counseling, consulting. Shut down Psalm One. It shocked me but I wanted to give up multiple times, sometimes multiple times a day. Has anyone felt that depleted, dejected, or defeated in the last few years?


But God saw my affliction, He heard my cry, He was aware of my suffering. He kept inviting me away on sabbatical, extended time alone with Jesus to rest, recover, decompress, receive, and re-enter with renewed healing, vision, and freedom. He miraculously orchestrated a prayer pilgrimage that would take me back to the places I dearly loved, give me time with friends who are very much family, love me though an intimately personalized journey. He gave me so many opportunities to minister from a healthy place. He released me from burdens that He had not put on my back. He sprinkled the journey with divine appointments with diverse people from around the world. He restored my joy and laughter. He brought endless close encounters with life-giving creation and amazing creatures, because He knows my love language.    


If it had not been for this sabbatical, I would have been collateral damage. I would have been down for the count. But I am here, still in love with Jesus, still committed to serving the Lord and loving people. Jesus thought my soul was worth saving. He thought my ministry of soul care was worth saving. The soul felt its worth.


Ministry has increasingly complex challenges nowadays. How do we even begin to meet the needs? How do we release the toxicity yet not throw the baby out with the bathwater? How do we cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He heals and leads the Church? How do we come alongside our friends and family who are struggling with faith issues of various kinds? How do we hold together truth and love? How do we maneuver through the minefields of people who see things differently—and may be more eager to attack than dialogue? How do we hold onto peace in the splintered community? How do we tend our own exhausted, conflicted and isolated souls? How do we love well?


    A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,

    For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.


The word “weary” sums it up for a lot of us in the last few years. But the Word is still all about life breaking forth where death has been. I certainly do not have all the answers, but in 2023, I hope to share some of the gifts of the sabbatical with others as we seek to rejoice in a new and glorious morn, to love as Jesus loves, and to rest in our dear Savior. Could you use a shot of hope and new life? May the soul feel its worth and may we draw near.


    O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,

    It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth.


“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)


    Fall on your knees! O hear the angel voices!

    O night divine, O night when Christ was born;

    O night divine, O night, O night Divine.


Grace and peace,


Linda treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.

Hi friends:


“But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)


As most of you know, I have been on sabbatical. So much to share. I’m still processing, pondering, and praying through all God has shown me—and I will be for the rest of my life.


This sabbatical has been the most wonderful and most difficult thing I have ever done. God has taken me back to places and people that mean so much to me. I have been absolutely blown away by people’s kindness, generosity, hospitality, friendship, support, and loving care. I have seen God’s beautiful and amazing creation. I have found such peace and rest in the glorious quiet spaces. I have been flooded with unbridled joy. I have been overwhelmed with spontaneous worship. I have had such fun adventures. I have laughed until my face ached. I have loved and been loved.


I have also had dark nights of the soul. What’s the longest time you’ve ever spent with God and God alone? When you are alone in the silence, when the scaffolding is gone, when the distractions are stripped away, when you face your thoughts and emotions, things get real. It is challenging. Sometimes so hard. But so incredibly worth it. The fruit of the struggle is pure refined gold. Every nugget is worth the pain. “Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)


I am so grateful to the Sabbatical Prayer Team. It has meant the world to have a faithful community of people praying for me, encouraging me, and cheering me on throughout this time. I hope you all have enjoyed the wacky stories, the reflections on what God has been showing me, and the thousands of photos from the road. We’ve seen some amazing, beautiful, hilarious, and scary things, haven’t we?


So many transformative experiences. So many divine appointments. So many life-giving conversations. So many precious hours with friends who are very much family to me. So many delightful introductions to total strangers, some of whom are now friends. So many opportunities to minister along the way.


So. Many. Animals. Lambs and sheep who gently called me to rest in the Good Shepherd. Countless sea turtles who came alongside, swam with me, and surrounded me with a supernatural calm and peace. A genuinely hilarious and entertaining octopus who reminded me that God has christened me Goodtime Linda for a reason. A gorgeous lion who reminded me Aslan is not a tame lion. "Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.” (C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) So many dogs who remind me of God’s unconditional love. Plus horses, cows, kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, echidnas, bats, sharks, mantas, eels, whales, alpacas, dolphins, stingrays, kookaburras, and many other assorted colorful birds and fish.


I am so glad I did not let naysayers—or my own doubts, hesitations, and fears—prevent me from saying yes to God. I was exhausted and fried after some really rough years, and Jesus kept inviting me to come away with Him. God has confirmed a thousand ways how He ordained this prayer pilgrimage and will continue to use it for transformation in my life and ministry. My earnest prayer is that by it many will be blessed.


God will continue to unfold the rich treasures that He has revealed. His steady voice continues to whisper in my ear and in my heart. The Paraclete will continue to lead, direct, tweak, and possibly even change horses in midstream as needed. Jesus and I will continue to explore questions He has asked of me—and that I have asked of Him. He will continue to expand upon the hundreds of pages I have journaled, the many resources I have studied, the many experiences and interactions I have had. I will give away what God has given me as I teach, speak, lead, and minister.


You cannot give anyone else what God has given you. You can only make them thirsty for what you have.


I will do my best to share the nourishing truth and sustaining words of life that God has given me. I will share the stories and photos of His divine connections. I will do my best to continue living out my job description: to put your hand in the hand of Jesus.


So many people struggling. So much division. so much confusion. So much pain. We are facing challenges as never before in my lifetime. Two things I know: I don't have all the answers. Nobody would listen to me even if I did.


So, what is my voice in the midst of change and upheaval? What can I bring to the table that would be healing and strengthening? How can God use my teaching, discipleship, counseling, experiences, connections, writing, and even my photography to build the Kingdom? How can I offer freedom in the face of so much frustration and discouragement? How can we build healthy community and loving connections? How can we let go of some toxic elements without throwing the baby out with the bathwater? We keep going back to Jesus.


As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore. So Jesus said to the twelve, "You do not want to go away also, do you?" Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life." (John 6:66-68)


I am a pastor/teacher. My primary gifting and calling consists of:


  1. Bible teaching

    • Balanced teaching from God's Word to give us a grid for life.

    • Seeing how God brings life out of death from Genesis to Revelation.

  2. Christ-centered spiritual formation

    • Coming alongside those who yearn for a closer, more intimate, obedient walk with God.

    • Creating time and space to connect and reconnect with God.

    • Providing tools and direction to foster genuine transformation instead of just information.

    • Training the head, heart, and hands to all follow hard after Jesus.


I offer these to men and women, lay and clergy, married and single, anyone hungry for God. I believe what we do in Psalm One is needed now more than ever.


I also have a heart to come alongside my brothers and sisters who are also standing on the front lines of ministry, trying to hold truth and love together as they build and strengthen the Church.


“For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other's faith, both yours and mine.” (Romans 1:11-12)


I’m still processing, still praying, still seeking God for each next step of Psalm One.


In the meantime, please pray:

  • As I continue to unpack and process hundreds of pages of journals, notes, scriptures, and whispers from God during this sabbatical.

  • As I tie up miles of ministry red tape and admin.

  • For provision and direction as Psalm One continues to lift up Jesus.

  • In my current spiritual battle: the enemy wants to attack, stress me out, fog me in, push me into a rush, and steal away all God has given me.

  • As we pray through changes and how God would lead us going forward.

  • For the upcoming Soul Care Retreats for ministry wives—details, provision, logistics, and wonderful getaways for these women who give so much to others. https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives


“But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)


So many treasures to ponder. So many treasures for us to unwrap as we head into 2023. Still seeking how God will continue to use us. Stay tuned.


Much love,


In Quietness and Trust is Your Strength

Back from Part #1 of the Sabbatical, preparing to head out on Part #2.


For thus the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said,

"In repentance and rest you will be saved,

In quietness and trust is your strength."

Isaiah 30:15


I am being wooed by Someone who knows me intimately and loves me deeply. The Lord is breathing new life into me and lifting me up in so many ways. God has made it clear why this sabbatical needs to be months instead of days or weeks. I was completely fried before Sabbatical Part #1. I am already in a much, much better "headspace" than I was, but God has far, far more ahead. Please keep praying that I will rest and receive in Sabbatical Part #2.


So much excellent input, so many pages of journaling, so many hours of prayer, but I know I have only begun to scratch the surface. So much to read, study, learn, and process. But what I need most right now is to just BE. Be a human being instead of a human doing. Be still and know that He is God.


Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know.

Be still.



There are basically three parts to this extended spiritual sabbatical:

1.         Decompression—letting the tight springs uncoil, letting the dust settle, retreating to stillness.

2.         Receiving—exploring, learning, enjoying, and unpacking all God wants to give and teach me.

3.         Reentry—How does God want to use me in the next season of ministry? What is my voice to be?


I am actually still mostly in the decompression stage. Although there are truly wonderful blessings along the way, this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. God keeps saying, “Stop. Don’t rush this. There is a reason why I am giving you months instead of days or weeks.” A quote shared by a friend has been so helpful: "Don't reach the conclusion until you come to the conclusion".


Jesus’ fingerprints are all over this sabbatical. God is sending me back to the most meaningful places in my life. He is assigning some of my favorite locations. He is giving me precious silence, ocean, mountains, wildlife, and sprinkling this sabbatical with wonderful friends and other strategic encounters along the way.


I am only able to do this because of the amazing, incredible, stunning generosity of friends who have opened their homes for me to use, given toward this sabbatical, helped me with complicated travel logistics, and provided in so many ways for this much needed prayer pilgrimage. How can I ever thank you?


A huge thank you to the Sabbatical Prayer Team who have listened and prayed for me through the highs and lows and wows and blessings and bumps of this journey so far. Having this family behind me has helped me process each step and has reassured me on so many levels to know that people are consistently praying for me.


Hang tight and stay tuned: I will be back in November (which will be here before we know it). I’m excited to see how God will use this sabbatical to teach all of us. In the meantime, I have to share this song again, since it keeps echoing in my head: https://youtu.be/qbEB0QFsqN8 


Jesus draw me ever nearer,

As I labor through the storm.

You have called me to this passage,

And I'll follow, though I'm worn.


May this journey bring a blessing,

May I rise on wings of faith;

And at the end of my heart's testing,

With Your likeness let me wake.


Jesus guide me through the tempest;

Keep my spirit staid and sure.

When the midnight meets the morning,

Let me love You even more.


May this journey bring a blessing,

May I rise on wings of faith;

And at the end of my heart's testing,

With Your likeness let me wake.


Let the treasures of the trial

Form within me as I go

And at the end of this long passage,

Let me leave them at Your throne.


May this journey bring a blessing,

May I rise on wings of faith;

And at the end of my heart's testing,

With Your likeness let me wake.


(Keith Getty / Margaret Ellen Becker)


May this journey bring a blessing to ALL of us.


Much love,
