Awesome. Not just some awe. Lots of awe.

I’ve been on a Prayer Pilgrimage…


What's a prayer pilgrimage? An extended, intentional, unhurried, uninterrupted time of prayer, contemplation on the Word, journaling, and resting at Jesus’s feet--preferably somewhere remote with more animals than humans. I occasionally need to be out of “ministry mode” for a prayer pilgrimage in order to be renewed for ministry.


“Silence your body to listen to words

Silence your tongue to listen to your thoughts

Silence your thoughts to listen to your heart beating

Silence your heart to listen to your spirit

Silence your spirit to listen to His spirit

In silence, you leave many to be with the One.”

Mama Maggie Gobran


This journey was in Alaska. Those of you who’ve been there know Alaska is stunning, spectacular, and larger than life. But I think the word that describes it for me is AWE.


We have diminished the word awe by calling everything awesome. Graeter’s ice cream is awesome (and it is). This shirt is awesome. That basketball game was awesome. Awesome parking space. Awesome new shampoo.


But genuine awe halts me when I see something that could only be the creation of God. I am immediately reminded that I am not in charge—and Someone else is. There is Someone far greater who sits on His throne, who is not forgetful, overwhelmed, or worried, or wringing his hands. As I wandered around Alaska with my Bible and journal, I was awestruck, stopped in my tracks by the work and presence of God. Moved to silence, stillness, tears, worship, confession, singing, celebration, even dancing (when no one could see me). Training to be attentive. To read about Jesus as I travel through His creation. To pour out my heart before God and record His whispers as I listen. To watch a bear by a stream or an enormous moose munching in the meadow. To befriend a 2500 pound stellar sea lion. To join the early morning bald eagles by the water. Everything points to a Creator and Redeemer. Everything points to the glory of God. This is what renews my soul. It leaves me in awe, being still and knowing that He is God.


Photography has become a powerful spiritual practice for me. Photos can never do justice to the splendor. Photos cannot capture the beauty of Alaska. But photography slows me down and helps me become attentive. I share photos with you in hopes that they might inspire awe, hope, joy, reverence, fun, smiles, beauty, and something of the reality of God.


These pilgrimages help bolster a genuine unshakable joy that gets me through the dark days, the hard times, the conflict, and splintering. I remember the moment on last year’s sabbatical when I looked in the mirror and realized the light had finally returned to my eyes. I have a lot of brothers and sisters right now whose light has been dimmed for so many different reasons. I want the light to return to our eyes. At the end of the sabbatical, I heard God saying the sabbatical is not over. Weave it into your life.


How do I keep following Jesus on this a long obedience in the same direction? Life can wear us down. This adventure was a spiritual shot in my arm, but life is not lived on the mountaintop. Walking with Jesus is 99% hidden, invisible, long-term, and ordinary. We need to build the things into our lives that will keep our heart alive no matter what hits it. I need rhythms and patterns of solitude, community, and ministry in my life. I personally need a prayer pilgrimage, a weekly Sabbath, spiritual practices that fuel my soul, and friends with whom I can discuss the deep things of God.


Do you want any of these woven into your life? Join me.


  • Could your soul use some feeding? Some rest? Do you need to let the dust settle? Come away with me to a beautiful and quiet setting in Cincinnati for the September 22-24 for a Refocus and Refuel Retreat. For Men and Women. More info and to register:  NOTE: I’ve been out of commission and running behind, so Early Bird pricing is extended until Monday, September 11th.



So grateful for my team on the prayer pilgrimage. Once again, thank you for coming along, for listening, and for praying.


Much love,




P.S. I am going to start selling some of my photos, so you will be able to hang one of your favorites on your wall. Let me know if you would like the details as soon as I get it set up.


My Alaskan friend warned me I might not see any wildlife at all. I only saw grizzly bears, black bears, moose, caribou, Dall sheep, goats, muskoxen, sandhill cranes, swans, beluga whales, harbor seals, orcas (Killer whales), bald eagles, stellar sea lions, tufted puffins, guillemots, willow ptarmigans, porcupines, horned puffins, cormorants, sea otters, humpback whales, Arctic ground squirrels, greater yellowlegs, and other assorted creatures.