Happy Anniversary to the Worldwide Psalm One Community!
22 years ago this month, I taught the first Oregonia Bible study. That simple gathering in a kitchen led to Psalm One Ministries, which led to me teaching Scripture every Tuesday night until Jesus returns which led to Days of Refreshing, Refocus and Refuel Retreats, Soul Care Retreats, Prayer Retreats, coming alongside ministry families, teaching, speaking, consulting, counseling, and other ministry to thousands of men and women. It flung me out from a tiny unincorporated community in Ohio across the country and around the world. And back to ministering from my dining room table in 2020.
I am amazed how the Lord has used us in His infinite creativity, and so grateful for every single person who has come alongside me in Psalm One. I am overwhelmed by the faithfulness and goodness of God.
As we mark one year of being online with Psalm One Ministries, we’ve had to adjust. We’ve had to work harder to be together. People have shown up, been committed, put up with the awkward format and technical glitches, and patiently cooperated with my attempts to keep ministering no matter that life throws at us. You’ve continued to support Psalm One with your participation, prayers, finances, encouragement, friendship, and presence. It hasn’t been easy. We were all thrown in the deep end and had to learn new ways to swim.
In the Year of Whack-a-Mole where we’ve had to continually pivot and toss perfectly great plans in the trash, you have stayed with me. Even though I have been locked down to a tiny handful of people, mostly only my mother and sister, and 95% of the time just me, myself, and I, I have experienced authentic fellowship.
Genuine community is not dependent upon geographic location. Some of my closest friends speak with accents and slang even funnier than mine and live far across town, across the country, and across the planet.
Community is far more than just multiple warm bodies in the same physical space. Have you ever felt lonely in a room full of people? Community is mutual support, friendship, listening, empathy, shared goals and vision. True fellowship is not measured in numbers, but rather in depth and faithfulness of connection. I’d rather have genuine friendship with five people than feel alone sitting with five hundred.
Friendship, camaraderie, support, safe places to be yourself, a listening ear, shared journeys, and empathy are rare treasures. Genuine fellowship means to show up in one another’s lives, to lift one another up, to laugh and cry with one another, and to link arms and walk toward God together. I don’t believe "It is not good for the man to be alone” is only about marriage. The slimy enemy’s strategy is “divide and conquer, isolate and destroy”. We need each other.
We have needed one another more than ever this year. We have needed Aaron and Hur as we slog through the quicksand and landmines of the past twelve months. It’s been a hard, frustrating, lonely year full of disappointment, conflict, and heartbreak, but so many of you have been willing to be inconvenienced in order to connect. Instead of insisting on your own way, you’ve spent the time and energy to show up, call, text, write, zoom, and to send something that says, “saw this and thought of you.” You’ve taken the initiative to check in with one another.
Authentic friendship may be far more difficult during a global pandemic, but you have proven it can happen. Community has not been automatic, or easy, or convenient during a year of physical distancing. We couldn’t just flow with the crowd because there was no crowd. We couldn’t hide in the back of the congregation because for most of us, the congregation was scattered in bubbles at home. Weddings were canceled. Memorials were impossible. No parties, sporting events, school gatherings, festivals, or conferences in person. We’ve had no choice but to go the extra mile if we want to maintain friendship and fellowship. It has required some very heavy lifting.
You’ve been willing to give up your own preferences and comfort to care for the vulnerable, to extend beyond what is easy and comfortable. You’ve been willing to include those who live far away. You’ve been willing to live out love and unity with people who might not see everything exactly the way you do. Some of those who show up on Tuesdays and Thursdays don’t know anyone on screen except me. Thank you for being brave enough to come along with us. (We may be weird, but we don’t bite.) That’s why we’ve been studying the Prison Epistles. How could Paul talk about real community when he’s physically distancing in a jail cell? (Currently in Ephesians. Join us.)
In the last twelve months I have been frustrated, appalled, angry, heartbroken, sad, and disappointed, but I haven’t felt alone. That miracle only happens when my security is in Jesus and when the Body of Christ lives out true community.
Thanks for listening and showing up...
“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. For it is only right for me to feel this way about you all, because I have you in my heart, since both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of grace with me. For God is my witness, how I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”
(Philippians 1:3-11)
Personal update:
If it feels like I have ghosted you, please, please forgive me. I have not forgotten you. I am snowed under. I am so far behind with ministry, checking on people, thank you notes, get well cards, correspondence, phone calls, an overflowing inbox, responses, and various projects. I have a bag full of encouraging, supportive, meaningful, and hilarious cards that I revisit and treasure. I have a desk full of gifts you’ve sent and artwork your children have made. You have donated to Psalm One Ministries. You have delivered meals, groceries, flowers, chocolate, and surprises to my door. People have been incredibly kind to me over a rough winter of loss and illness. I appreciate each and every gesture of kindness.
I keep reaching for the phone to call Mom. I keep planning when I can get to Louisville to care for her, but then remember Jesus is now caring for her. I miss her, but so grateful that she is no longer suffering.
I am trying to sort through 90 years of memories at my mom’s home while I also prune out my own home to make room for family furniture and heirlooms. Many of you know how physically, mentally, and emotionally draining that is. My sister and I are trying to settle Mom’s estate while we both deal with the lingering effects of Covid (lung issues, brain fog, fatigue, insomnia). Covid does not release its grip willingly. Neither one of us have much stamina. I usually sleep very well and require 8-9 hours, but I haven’t slept without help since Christmas. The insomnia is brutal. Please pray for sleep!
Once Mom’s home is sold and I have my shots, I am desperate to get out of town. I need a road trip and time in the ocean. If any of you know of a solo place I can rent at the beach on the East or Gulf Coast, please let me know.
Drum Roll Please: Possible, Maybe, Tentative, Hopeful, Penciled-In, Potential 2022 Dates!
February 4-6, 2022 Sisterhood of the Fishbowl Soul Care Retreat, Cincinnati, Ohio (Pastors’ Wives Only) https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives
February 25-27, 2022 Sisterhood of the Fishbowl Soul Care Retreat, Green Lake, Wisconsin (Pastors’ Wives Only) https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives
March 4-6, 2022 Refocus and Refuel Retreat, Cincinnati, Ohio (For Men and Women) https://www.psalmone.org/refocus-and-refuel
September 30-October 2, 2022 Refocus and Refuel Retreat, Cincinnati, Ohio (For Men and Women) https://www.psalmone.org/refocus-and-refuel
In the meantime…
Tuesday Bible Study (for men and women): Now, no matter where you live, you can come to the Psalm One gathering for support, encouragement, life-giving tools, and time together seeking the Lord. You don’t have to live in Ohio. This is for men and women, lay and clergy, married and single, any church, anyone who can join us at Tuesday nights at 7:30pm ET (that’s Wednesday morning for some of you!). We are currently in Ephesians. Anyone is welcome, whether you are there every week or once in a blue moon. Sign up to receive the Zoom link and stay in the loop: https://www.psalmone.org/tuesday-night-bible-study
Pastors’ Wives: We are so enjoying being with authentic friends who understand life in the ministry. The Sisterhood of the Fishbowl is having a wonderful time together Thursday nights at 7:30pm ET. Such a great group. No risk, no travel, no cost, no slippery roads, from the comfort of your own home, Covid hair and pajamas welcome! We are learning and practicing tools to jump-start our spiritual lives and strengthen our walk with Jesus. We are always glad to see you whether pop in once or are there every week. Pastors’ wives are invited to sign up to receive the Zoom link and stay in the loop: https://www.psalmone.org/pastors-wives